Disable Visual Studio Code data collection
- Linux onlyThis script improves your privacy on Linux
- Multiple actionsThis page belongs to a category, containing some changes with similar goal.
- Impact: Minimum
System Functionality / Data Loss Risk: Low
This action improves privacy with minimal impact when you run the recommended script.
- Bash (Shell script)These changes use Linux system commands to update your settings.
- 15 scripts
- 2 categories
- Sudo/root requiredThis script requires privilege access to do the system changes
- Fully reversible
You can fully restore this action (revert back to the original behavior) using this website.
The restore/revert methods provided here can help you fix issues.
Visual Studio Code, also commonly referred to as VS Code, is a source-code editor made by Microsoft 1.
Visual Studio Code makes outgoing network requests to collect data in the background without users invoking a feature that requires online access 2. The requests include, but are not limited to, automatic extension update checks, querying settings for A/B experiments, and fetching online data for auto-completion 2.
In addition, Visual Studio Code collects and transmits telemetry data to Microsoft servers, such as 3:
- Diagnostic information about your system and usage is sent to Microsoft servers 3.
- Your usage data and data about feature performance 3.
- Visual Studio Code - Wikipedia. en.wikipedia.org. (2022).
Original: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_Studio_Code
Archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20221029142001/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_Studio_Code - Visual Studio Code July 2018. code.visualstudio.com. (2022).
Original: https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_26
Archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20221029170840/https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_26#_offline-mode - Visual Studio Code Telemetry. code.visualstudio.com. (2022).
Original: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/telemetry
Archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20221029171138/https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/telemetry
Apply Now
Choose one of two ways to apply:
- Normal
- High
- Maximum
Normal — Everyday Privacy (Enterprise-Grade)
- Recommended for all
- Safe for daily use
- No impact on system stability
Read more about Normal and other protection levels
High — Advanced Privacy
- For advanced privacy-conscious users
- May affect some features
Read more about High and other protection levels
Maximum — Strongest Possible Privacy (Military-Grade)
- Military-grade privacy protection
- Major system impact
- Consider having system backup.
Read more about Maximum and other protection levels
How to apply or restore "Disable Visual Studio Code data collection" using script
- ≈ 3 min to complete
- Tools: Web Browser
- Difficulty: Medium
- ≈ 6 instructions
- 1
Choose protection
Choose one of the options with different impact levels:
Some safe changes minimal system impact.High
Some potentially impactful changes with moderate system impact.Maximum
Some impactful changes with high system impact.
- 2
Download the script file by clicking on thebutton above.
Use button above to restore changes. - 3
Keep the file
If warned by your browser, keep the file. - 4
Open the downloaded file. - 5
Once it's done, press any key to exit the window. - 6
Restart your computer for all changes to take effect.
Apply with privacy.sexy
Guided, automated application with safety checks- Recommended for most users
- Includes safety checks
- Shows the code
- Free
- Open-source
- Popular
- Offline/Online usage
How to apply or restore "Disable Visual Studio Code data collection" using privacy.sexy
- ≈ 3 min to complete
- Tools: privacy.sexy
- Difficulty: Simple
- ≈ 4 instructions
- 2
Choose script
- Search for the category name: Disable Visual Studio Code data collection
- Check the category by clicking on the checkbox of the category.
Applying Normal to limit the impact.
- 3
Click on ▶️ Run button at the bottom of the page.This button only appears on desktop version (recommended). On browser, use 💾 Save button.
Explore This Guide
- 15 Privacy settings
- 2 Main categories
- These settings are organized into 2 main categories for easy navigation.
- Each main category contains subcategories, helping you find specific settings you might want to adjust.
- 2 Total categories
Choose what to protect based on your needs: Click any option to learn more about what it does. Each change can be applied and reversed individually.
- Some settings and commands may require technical knowledge to apply correctly.
- Most users find the Normal protection above sufficient.
Configure auto-update settings for Visual Studio Code extensions
These scripts control the automatic update behavior of extensions. Updates are fetched from Microsoft servers. Use of online Microsoft services can disclose information about you and your behavior.
Disable data sharing for Visual Studio Code "Settings Sync"
Settings Sync is a Visual Studio Code feature that synchronizes settings, keybindings, and installed extensions across different machines. This data is stored in the Microsoft Cloud.
Disable Visual Studio Code telemetry
The "telemetry.telemetryLevel" preference can be adjusted as follows: "default" (on): Transmits usage data, errors, and crash reports. • "error": Transmits general error telemetry and crash reports. • "crash": Transmits OS-level crash reports. • "off": Disables all product telemetry. This script disables telemetry data, which includes usage data, errors, and crash reports. The "telemetry.enableTelemetry" was the primary option to disable telemetry collection. This disabled the collection of diag...
Disable online experiments by Microsoft in Visual Studio Code
VS Code employs experiments to test new features or gradually roll them out. The experimentation framework communicates with Microsoft servers. This setting is enabled by default. This script disables fetching experiments from a Microsoft online service. It accomplishes this by setting "workbench.enableExperiments" to "false".
Disable Visual Studio Code automatic updates in favor of manual updates
By default, VS Code is configured to automatically update when new versions are released. Automatic updates reduce your control over privacy by sending data to Microsoft servers. On Linux, updates are often handled by the system package manager, rendering this setting redundant. To opt out of auto-updates, the Update: Mode ("update.mode") setting is changed from default to none. "update.mode" has replaced the older "update.channel" setting. · Issue #70084 · microsoft/vscode · GitHub | github.com
Disable fetching release notes from Microsoft servers after an update
This script prevents Visual Studio Code from displaying release notes after an update. Release notes are fetched from a Microsoft online service and thus expose data about you, such as your IP address, to Microsoft. It is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting "update.showReleaseNotes" to "false".
Disable automatic fetching of remote repositories in Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) periodically fetches changes from remote repositories. This feature lets VS Code display how many changes your local repository is ahead or behind the remote. This script disables the automatic fetching, providing you more control over when you communicate with remote servers. Note that this feature shares data not with Microsoft, but with the servers hosting the remote repositories you're working with. As of VS Code 1.19, this feature is disabled by default, althoug...
Disable fetching package information from NPM and Bower in Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code fetches data from NPM and Bower to provide autocompletion and hover information for npm dependencies. By default, this feature is enabled and fetches data from "https://registry.npmjs.org" and "https://registry.bower.io". This script prevents the automatic fetching of package information. You can disable this feature by setting "npm.fetchOnlinePackageInfo" to "false".
Disable sending search queries to Microsoft in Visual Studio Code
By default, Visual Studio Code sends setting search queries to Microsoft servers. This is part of the natural language search mode, which is powered by a Microsoft online service. You can disable this feature by setting "enableNaturalLanguageSettingsSearch" to "false". For more information, see [Settings search | Feature announcement](https://web.archive.org/web/20221029223417/https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/8f6d43a3b24d8661f25f93d5e679c3e6ee1191b6/release-notes/v1_20.md#settings-s...
Disable Visual Studio Code automatic type acquisition in TypeScript
This script disables (Reference: automatic type acquisition), a feature that fetches "@types" packages from npm to improve IntelliSense for external libraries. Although this feature is disabled by default, you can ensure it's off by setting "typescript.disableAutomaticTypeAcquisition" to "false".
Disable Visual Studio Code Edit Sessions
Edit Sessions is a Visual Studio Code feature that synchronizes uncommitted changes between VS Code for the Web (e.g., GitHub Codespaces) and the Desktop version, storing data in the Microsoft Cloud. This script disables Edit Sessions and its more granular subsettings like "workbench.experimental.editSessions.autoStore", "workbench.editSessions.autoResume", and "workbench.editSessions.continueOn".
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About the Creators
These people have authored this documentation and written its scripts:
Reviewed By
This guide has undergone comprehensive auditing and peer review:Expert review by undergroundwires
- Verified technical accuracy and editorial standards
- Assessed system impact and user privacy risks
Public review by large community
- Privacy enthusiasts and professionals peer-reviewed
- Millions of end-users tested across different environments
We continually monitor our guides, their impact and all other privacy options. We update our guides when new information becomes available. On every update, we publicly store who made the change, what has been changed, why the change was made and when the change was made.