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Disable "Work Folders Client" feature

Apply Now
Works with Windows 10 and 11

  • Windows only
  • Single action
  • Risk: High
  • Batch (batchfile)
  • Administrator rights required
  • Fully reversible


See: Work Folders overview | Microsoft Learn |

Overview of default feature statuses

Feature nameWorkFolders-Client
Display nameWork Folders Client
DescriptionAllows file synchronization with a configured file server.
Default (Windows 11 ≥ 23H2)🟢 Enabled
Default (Windows 10 ≥ 22H2)🟢 Enabled
Tips & Tricks

    Not Advised

    This script should only be used by advanced users.

    This script is not recommended for daily use as it breaks important functionality.

    Consider creating a system restore point before doing any changes.


    This action is completely reversible, you can restore your changes to the initial/default state.

    The restore/revert methods provided here can help you fix issues.

Apply Now

Choose one of three ways to apply:

Download script

Download and run the script directly
Direct application
Offline usage

How to download and run
  1. Download the script file by clicking on the  
    Apply protection
      button above.  Use  
    Undo protection
     button above to restore changes.
  2. If warned by your browser, keep the file.
  3. Open the downloaded file.
  4. Once it's done, press any key to exit the window.
  5. Restart your computer for all changes to take affect.

Apply with

Guided, automated application with safety checks
Recommended for most users
Includes safety checks


How to use is free and open-source application that lets securely apply this action easily with optionally more advanced options.

  1. Open or download the desktop application
  2. Search for the script name: Disable "Work Folders Client" feature.
  3. Check the script by clicking on the checkbox.
  4. Click on Run button at the bottom of the page.

Run commands

Copy and run commands manually
Requires technical knowledge
Apply changes
:: Disable the "WorkFolders-Client" feature
PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "$featureName = 'WorkFolders-Client'; $feature = Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName "^""$featureName"^"" -Online -ErrorAction Stop; if (-Not $feature) { Write-Output "^""Skipping: The feature `"^""$featureName`"^"" is not found. No action required."^""; Exit 0; }; if ($feature.State -eq [Microsoft.Dism.Commands.FeatureState]::Disabled) { Write-Output "^""Skipping: The feature `"^""$featureName`"^"" is already disabled. No action required."^""; Exit 0; }; try { Write-Host "^""Disabling feature: `"^""$featureName`"^""."^""; Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName "^""$featureName"^"" -Online -NoRestart -LogLevel ([Microsoft.Dism.Commands.LogLevel]::Errors) -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null; } catch { Write-Error "^""Failed to disable the feature `"^""$featureName`"^"": $($_.Exception.Message)"^""; Exit 1; }; Write-Output "^""Successfully disabled the feature `"^""$featureName`"^""."^""; Exit 0"
How to run commands
  1. Open Command Prompt as administrator.

    Step-by-step guide
    1. Click on Start menu

    2. Type cmd

    3. Right click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator

    4. Click on Yes to allow the app to make changes.

    Animated demonstration of opening Command Prompt as administrator in Windows 11
  2. Right click on command prompt to paste it.
  3. Press Enter to apply remaining code.
  4. Copy the code above.
    To restore changes, choose Revert code above.
  5. Paste the code into Command Prompt.
  6. Press Enter to apply the code.
  7. Optionally, restart your computer.
    Some scripts requires restarting your computer to take affect.

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